2024 NABF Leadership Gathering & Retreat
We were so blessed to have met with leaders and representatives from over 20 NABF member bodies at our first NABF Leadership Gathering & Retreat, hosted in Nashville this past October 16-18th. Our time together was full and...
New NABF Member Bodies
At the 2024 NABF Virtual Annual Meeting this past October 9th, we were grateful to welcome five additional members into our body: We are grateful for the presence of these groups in our midst: Baylor University Campbellsville University...
NABF at the 2025 BWA Congress
Join your sisters and brothers from the NABF As the regional body for the United States and Canada, the NABF is excited to invite you to join us at the 2025 BWA Congress, in Brisbane, Australia. Baptists from around the world will be...
NABF Collective: Upcoming Sessions
NABF Collective: Regular Gatherings We're excited to share the upcoming dates and connection details for gathering times of the NABF Collective. This exciting initiative is a leadership network for Baptists ages 40 and younger to create...
Virtual Annual Meeting 2024
Greetings! As valued members of the North American Baptist Fellowship, we are excited to invite you to the: NABF Virtual Annual Meeting Wednesday, October 9th 12:00 noon (EST) on Zoom Meeting ID: 834 8140 6439 Passcode: 435032 REGISTER...
2024 NABF Annual Meeting: Updated Save the Date
Join us for fellowship, inspiring conversation, networking opportunities and many ways to offer and receive support from one another.
“Rex Murphy on Canadian Values”
We tread very carefully and often inaccurately when we talk about a nation's values as its markers of identity. I was given pause recently by the death of a curmudgeonly Newfoundlander, commentator and journalist Rex Murphy, who died at...
Press Release: Retirement of NABF General Secretary Rev. Jeremy Bell
North American Baptist Fellowship's General Secretary Rev. Jeremy Bell announced his retirement shortly following the BWA Executive meetings this past spring, effective May 31, 2024. Rev. Bell shares: "It has been both a privilege and a...
NABF Scholars Panel – Ministers and Their Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States, making it a great time to consider the mental health challenges that ministers face both on a regular basis and in crisis moments. A panel discussion, sponsored by the NABF...
Welcome to the NABF
Resources & Commentary on Creation Care and Climate Change
Dear Friends and Colleagues, One thing which we all have in common, no matter where we live or where we fall on the social spectrum, is that we abide in God's Creation. And as created beings, we all have the God-given responsibility to...
Christian Nationalism, with NABF’s Scholars Collaboration
Mark Twain's friend Charles Dudley Warner once said, everyone's talking about the weather but no one is doing anything about it, which is a very light way of introducing the serious topic of Christian Nationalism. Let me wade even deeper...
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen He is Risen Indeed These wonderful declarations and phrases will be echoed around the world in the coming days, a sense of celebration and great joy. We know that we live in difficult and dangerous times with war and...
NABF Collective: Kickoff this Thursday!
Calling all aspiring Baptist leaders! This kickoff event is for for Baptists 40 > who want to grow connections outside your immediate network, and for leaders within the NABF family to learn more about the Collective and how it can...
NABF Book Conversation – “Scapegoats” by Jennifer Garcia Bashaw
Dr. Spencer Boersma (Acadia Divinity College) and Dr. Jennifer Garcia Bashaw (Campbell University) discuss Bashaw's new book: Scapegoats: The Gospel Through the Eyes of Victims (Fortress Press, 2022). View their conversation below.
In Remembrance of Rev. Dr. Gary V. Nelson
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Our deepest sympathies are with the family and friends of Rev. Dr. Gary Nelson who passed away on Monday, January 22, 2024. Gary was ordained to ministry in 1980 and served as a pastor at several churches in...
Rev. Emmett Dunn prays at Liberian Presidential Inauguration
Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am grateful to share that our own President Rev. Emmett Dunn offered the invocation prayer for Joseph Boakai, the new president of the country of Liberia at his inauguration service today. Please join with...
MLK Day 2024
With all our brothers and sisters in the United States, we mark today as Martin Luther King Jr. Day today. A man who needs no introduction has much to offer us today in our current culture and political climate in his commitment to non...
Rev. Dr. TaNikka Sheppard becomes Cleveland Baptists’ new Regional Minister
We are thrilled to announce that NABF Assistant General Secretary and Treasurer Rev. Dr. TaNikka Sheppard has just begun as the new Regional Executive Minister of the Cleveland Baptist Association. Along with ABC USA leadership, we...
Merry Christmas 2023
Dear All, Please see below for warm greetings from the NABF as shared by our General Secretary, Jeremy Bell. May all the gifts of this season: Peace, Hope, Joy and Love be yours. https://youtu.be/EhW8AUfYsMY In Christ, NABF Staff &...
Tennessee Tornado Disaster Dec 2023
At least six people were killed, 50 homes were destroyed and nearly 500 others evacuated in central Tennessee after a series of cyclical tornadoes marked a 100+ mile path of destruction on December 9th and 10th. The National Weather...
News from our 2023 Annual Meeting
Dear Colleagues and Friends, We greet you in the name of Christ, whose birth we await in this Advent season. We are excited to share news of our Annual Meeting, held this year in Washington DC, on October 30-31st. You may recall that this...
NABF Book Conversation – “Pilgrim Journey” by Curtis Freeman
Dr. Spencer Boersma (Acadia Divinity College) and Dr. Curtis Freeman (Duke Divinity School) discuss Freeman's new book: PIlgrim Journey (Fortress Press, 2023). View their conversation below.
Thanksgiving 2023
Dear Friends & Colleagues, People have sometimes asked why Canadians have an earlier Thanksgiving; it may be because we have an earlier harvest time due to our northern climate. But who knows the real reason! To all of our American...
To Rosalynn, with thanks
This week we said farewell to Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, a committed Christian and profoundly effective humanitarian. In partnership with her husband, President Jimmy Carter, her commitment, particularly to mental health, human...
2023 NABF Annual Meeting
Join us for fellowship, inspiring conversation, networking opportunities and many ways to offer and receive support from one another.
Does your church need a “Visitor’s Plan”?
A neighbouring minister once commented to me that Sunday morning was an example of "coming together to worship apart." Welcoming the newcomer, or for that matter anyone not familiar with our church gathering, challenges our willingness...
“When you enter this church…”
From our General Secretary, Jeremy Bell, a warm note of humour for your mid-week. In Christ, Jeremy Bell General Secretary North Amercian Baptist Fellowship
NABF DR groups provide aid to Hawaii fire victims
Many of you will have seen images and videos from the devastating wildfire on the island of Maui. Several NABF member groups sprang into action immediately following the fire's wake. See below for more from some of our partners, and ways...
NABF Book Conversation – “A History of the Black Baptist Church” by Wayne E. Croft, Sr.
Dr. Melody Maxwell (Acadia Divinity College) and Dr. Wayne Croft, Sr (United Lutheran Seminary) discuss Croft's recent book: A History of the Black Baptist Church: I Don't Feel No Ways Tired (Judson Press, 2020). View their conversation...