
The NABF represents over 30 Baptist denominations, schools, and organizations in Canada and the U.S. with 19.8 million members and 55,000 congregations.

The diversity and unity of ministry within our membership is one of the core strengths of the North American Baptist Fellowship.

Member Bodies


  Year Churches Members
Canadian Baptist Ministries 2017 997 86,749
Canadian National Baptist Convention 2017 404 23,130
United States of America       
American Baptist Churches USA 2017 5,081 1,158,875
Baptist General Association of Virginia 2017 1,376 614,575
Baptist General Convention of Texas 2017 5,347 2,024,997
Chin Baptist Churches USA 2016 109 13,315
Convención Bautista Hispania de Texas 2024 1,090 50,000
Converge Worldwide 2016 1,312 322,293
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 2016 1,800 750,000
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA & Canada 2016 4 700
District of Columbia Baptist Convention 2017 156 40,000
General Association of General Baptists 2017 821 50,365
Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention, USA 2016 2,600 1,160,000
Missionary Baptist Conference, USA 2021 52  
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. International 2016 12,336 3,106,000
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. 2016 21,145 8,415,100
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America 2004 300 400,000
North American Baptist Conference 2016 380 50,000
Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. 2017 1,200 1,500,000
Russian-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Union, USA, Inc. 2012 14 950
Seventh Day Baptist General Conference USA & Canada, Ltd.  2017 76 3,000
Union of Latvian Baptists in America
(Amerikas Latviešu Baptistu Apvienība)
2017 5 104
Zomi Baptist Churches of America 2017 36 3,500
Totals for North America    56,641 19,773,653
Schools & Organizations      
Baylor University      
Buckner International      
Campbellsville University      
Hardin-Simmons University      
Texans on Mission      


Individuals, churches, denominations and other Baptist affiliated organizations can all become members of the NABF.

The North American Baptist Fellowship (NABF) exists to promote fellowship and cooperation among Baptists in North America, particularly within the United States and Canada. The NABF serves as a unifying platform, bringing together Baptist denominational bodies, organizations, and individuals who share a common faith and mission. Through collaborative efforts, the NABF seeks to strengthen Baptist witness and work, both regionally and globally, while fostering a spirit of mutual support and engagement among its members.

As the North American regional body of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), the NABF is committed to furthering the aims and objectives of the BWA, ensuring that these are effectively implemented to impact the life of Baptists across North America. Please note that a reference from NABF is also part of the BWA application process.

Membership in the NABF is open to any Baptist denominational body, organization, or individual in the United States or Canada.

Annual Fee Structure*

NABF invites a spirit of generosity, as each member or member body uses their discretion to make their annual contributions.

  • Individual  $99
  • Denomination  $2,500 or more
  • School/Organization  $2,500 or more

*Individuals and groups are invited to consider a contribution greater than what is listed above, with the option to give in monthly instalments, if preferred.

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