Many of you will have seen images and videos from the devastating wildfire on the island of Maui. Several NABF member groups sprang into action immediately following the fire’s wake.
See below for more from some of our partners, and ways you can help.
ABC-USA & American Baptist Home Mission Societies
As the fires continue to burn and local authorities predict a growing death toll, the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) joins our prayers with others and issues an appeal for immediate support.
ABHMS is not a traditional emergency responder, noting that the organization’s objective is to receive and disburse funds as quickly as possible through One Great Hour of Sharing [OGHS] to meet emergent and longer-term needs. Please join American Baptists in supporting the relief efforts directed toward those affected by the catastrophic fires on Maui. One hundred percent of designated OGHS gifts are allocated to domestic disaster relief.
You can donate via your church or directly online to Hawaii Wildfire.
Read more here:
BGAV (Baptist General Association of Virginia) & Impact Missions
Impact Disaster Response, in partnership with Texas Baptist Men and North Carolina Baptists on Mission, are responding in Hawaii after wildfires have taken dozens of lives and destroyed hundreds of homes.
Eun Strawser, pastor of Ma Ke Alo o (a BGAV watchcare church) shared the following story about how one resident of Lahaina fled the fire.
Aunty Noni and daughter Lani (pictured here) have lost their home in Lahaina and everything in it…
They saw everyone fleeing their vehicles so knew they had to run for their lives to the ocean… [H]ad it not been for a male stranger (Benny) who helped them over, they may not have made it.
They stayed in the water along the beach from 5:30pm until early the next morning- over 10 hours.
To read the full story, visit:
Donate to the work of the BGAV and Impact Missions in Disaster Relief in Hawaii visit their donation page.
CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship)
Hawaii Pacific Baptist Disaster Relief co-directors John and Gay Williams have represented Hawaii Pacific Baptists on Maui in the CBF wildfire relief efforts. Read more in their blog post below:
In order to contribute financially to the good work of CBF staff on the ground in Hawaii, visit and write “Hawaii fires” in the comment field.
Direct any questions to CBF Global Missions Coordinator Laura Ayala at
TBM (Texas Baptist Men) 
Texas Baptist Men have also partnered with Waiehu Community Church, located across the West Maui Forest Reserve from Lahaina, in passing along tens of thousands of dollars given by TBM supporters in recent days.
John Hall, TBM director of communications, said: “The response from the TBM family already has been incredible. We are already making an impact in Hawaii, and we’re just at the start of this. “We are still very early in the relief process. Lahaina is the city we’re all seeing most often on the news, but the devastation is much broader.”
By communicating closely with partners on the ground in Maui, TBM is in a position to support residents in the best way possible and provide service connected with a Christian witness, Hall said. Fire recovery and rebuild efforts will not begin for weeks. TBM leaders are optimistic TBM volunteers will be serving in Maui during that process.
Read more here:
Donate to TBM’s work here: