It’s with appreciation for each of our speakers, and for the support of our tech partner Good Faith Media that we’re excited to share videos from each of our three main topics from this year’s Annual Meeting.

Daniel Whitehead on Mental Health:

Daniel Whitehead, CEO of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries shared with us from his home in Vancouver, Canada, about the importance of taking care of our own mental health, and how we can support our churches and communities to care for each other when it comes to mental well being. Free, downloadable mental health support resources for churches are available on the Sanctuary website:

Dr. Daynette Snead-Perez and Dr. Jonathan Smith on Church Revitalization:

Dr. Snead-Perez, the Disaster Response Coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and the CEO of DIASPRA ministries shares how we can revitalize our church communities by seeking relationship with those who don’t look like ourselves.

Dr. Jonathan Smith, the Director of Church Health Strategy within the Texas Baptists provides some helpful steps for growth in the local church. His tried and true model has something to offer for every church leader.

Katharine Hayhoe on Creation Care:

As Chief Scientist for The Nature Conservancy and distinguished professor and endowed chair at Texas Tech University, Katharine Hayhoe is one of the leading voices in climate science. Katharine spoke to us about where we can find Hope when it comes to climate change and the environment, and what each of us can do to help care for the creation with which God has entrusted us.

We are so grateful to have had each of these talented individuals share their gifts with us, and be able to share with all of you.


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