I have met, hosted, respected and deeply admired Kathrine Hayhoe for a while now. This is an important article to read and to take encouragement from. I have also have a great deal of time and admiration for Sojourners.
Unfortunately the title of this article is divisive and hyperbolically untrue.
There is a profound difference between fundamentalism and evangelicalism in their roots, theology, praxis and particularly in their cultural representation of the gospel in the person of Christ. Katherine has received terrible and indeed horrific threats and hatred from many in the religious community. How ever these individuals self-describe they are certainly not practitioners of the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22,23 when they indulge in such wicked behavior towards a fellow believer (or anyone for that matter).
The title is a problem. The hate it refers to simply promulgates the disdain and profiling the article (hopefully) seeks to dispel. Religious profiling, like racial profiling, is an anathema. Sojourners, much as I admire their excellent indeed often prophetic work, should resist such sloppy profiling and generalizations in the future. Exciting days ahead for us all Katherine!
Jeremy Bell
General Secretary, North American Baptist Fellowship

For Katharine Hayhoe, climate change isn’t just a topic of study or her area of expertise; it’s what she calls “an everything issue.” Hayhoe, who is a leading climate science expert, told Sojourners that everybody everywhere “already has everything they need to care about climate change” and its impact on people, animals, and Earth.
Hayhoe’s passion for climate science is based in her Christian faith. Hayhoe is an evangelical, which she defines as “someone who takes the Bible seriously.” For her, faith and science go hand in hand: The more that she learns about science, the more her awe and faith in God increases.
“I care about climate change because I’m a Christian,” she said. “I believe that we have responsibility to everyone on the planet, and that we are to care about the least of these.”
Read the full article here: