Our NABF family is full of a diversity of resources. We’re excited to share with you a set of rich resources being made available by past General Secretary of the NABF, George Bullard. Please see below for access to number of rich resources from George.

Subscribe to either of George’s lists using the links below.

The Bullard Journal e-newsletter

(what follows is taken from George’s newsletter: https://georgebullard.substack.com/p/the-new-bullard-journal-e-newsletter?utm_source=email)

Beginning in August George Bullard is restarting The Bullard Journal e-newsletter which he laid aside during the past five years of serving in a local denominational role.

This will be a free publication through December 31st for anyone who signs up for it by August 31st. The sign-up link is: https://forms.gle/e1ENchq8tp2Guv9v7. You can unsubscribe any time. Starting January 1, 2023 it will be by subscription.

Let me share more fully what will be part of The Bullard Journal.

First, here is the core list of the electronic and/or print publications I will be drawing from for each edition. Intentionally they reflect a diversity of sources. We all need to learn outside our own perspectives and tribes. I have intentionally capped this list at 20 sources I will read monthly. Added to this will be books and other articles I am reading.

1. Atlantic Magazine — Work in Progress.
2. Barna Group — various posts.
3. Christian Century magazine.
4. Christianity Today — CT Newsletter and daily articles.
5. Dave Travis and Greg Ligon — Church Leader Insider.
6. Global Religion Journalism Initiative — This Week in Religion.
7. Gospel Coalition — TGC Weekly.
8. Hartford Institute for Religious Research – Faith Communities Today and Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations.
9. North American Mission Board — New Churches.
10. Leadership Education at Duke Divinity School — Thriving in Ministry.
11. Leadership Network — Pursuing Next.
12. Lifeway Research — Weekly Research Newsletter.
13. Outreach Magazine — Newsletter.
14. Pew Research Center-Religion — Religion Newsletter.
15. Religion News Service — Morning Report and various articles.
16. Religious Research Association — RRA Journal
17. Society for the Scientific Study of Religion — SSSR Journal
18. Springtide Research Institute — The Tide Report.
19. Vanderbloemen — VanderNews.
20. Wall Street Journal — The Future of Everything weekly.

Second, here is a “Call to Action” about this list. Periodically I will adjust this list — taking sources off and replacing them with new sources. Here is where I need your ongoing help. What sources are missing that you believe are crucial for ForthTelling Innovation for Christian leaders, congregations, denominations, and parachurch groups? You are welcome now or any time in the future to send me suggestions for inclusion in this list.

Third, I also intend to include book reviews and reviews of other sources, events, websites, etc.

Fourth, I will share Reports from the Congregation which are composites of my visits with and observations about congregations. A foundational article about this focus posts today at https://georgebullard.substack.com/.

Fifth, I will also do videoconference interviews with authors and experts. These will not be on a regular schedule, but will be made available through The Bullard Journal as they are produced.

Sixth, I will periodically release ForthTelling Innovation manuscripts which will be copyrighted papers of five to 20 pages in length that you can reproduce and use in your ministry.

Seventh, I have a long-term goal to write seven books — one per year. I am working on the first one now with the working title of Soaring with Faith: The Difference Maker for Congregations. It should be released within six to seven months — if not sooner. While these books will be at an additional cost, you can have the opportunity to review the manuscript early.

I will also announce from time-to-time open office hours when people can gather online together to talk about subjects of interest in Christian ministry.

Of course, your involvement or connection with any of these services and resources is voluntary and dependent upon your personal interest. You are welcome to connect as little or much as you want.

Please spread the word as I seek in retirement to continue as a lifelong learner, serving as a Strategic Thinking Mentor, and ForthTelling Innovation.

One More Thing: If you are on Facebook, feel free to connect with the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/forthtellinginnovation.

ForthTelling Innovation blog

ForthTelling Innovation Will Continue to be Published as a Free and Open Blog.

Subscribe to that blog here: https://georgebullard.substack.com/subscribe?utm_medium=email&utm_source=post&utm_content=65965731

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