See below, the latest update on the situation in Ukraine from our sister organization the European Baptist Federation.

Dear sisters and brothers,

The war in Ukraine has passed the 150 day mark. 

As much of the world goes on vacation, war continues on in Ukraine. And our brothers and sisters inside and surrounding Ukraine continue their response to the war.

Thanks to the incredible efforts of Baptists around the world, at least €4 million has been given to support relief efforts. This has allowed Baptists on the front lines to distribute tonnes of food, house thousands, and provided the fuel to transport hundreds to safety. The unprecedented response is only able because of the generous support of the global Baptist family.

This email contains updates on the situation inside Ukraine and in the neighbouring countries. Due to a smaller amount of updates coming in over the summer, we have not included the normal Situation Report, but rather have included updates in the body of this email. Please feel free to share this with your networks and churches to raise awareness and encourage continued support of God’s Kingdom work in eastern Europe.

Even as many of us look to rest and restore this summer, may we continue to hold up our brothers in sisters in prayer and support.

EBF Update on Ukraine – July 27

Continue Reading the EBF update here.

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